Wednesday, November 26, 2008

the annual christmas gift guide

I was perusing through my latest issue of Elle yesterday when I came across the Holiday Gift Guide section.  Economic times are tough, explained the editor's introduction.  So we've included an under-$100 gift section for those of you strapped for cash.  How kind of them.  I turned the page, eager with anticipation.  And here is what I found.  

1. Tiffany & Co. playing cards.  For the mere price of $30, you get not only one, but TWO decks of playing cards printed
 with the 
jeweler's logo.  For that woman in your life who's always lusted after something from Tiffany but can't afford jewelry...

2.  Needlepoint coin purse.  $28.  This one's a steal, folks.  I don't really know if there's anything else I can say about it. 

3. This one is perhaps my favorite of all: a silver ChapStick lid for $75.  Yes.  You read that correctly.  I know every time I use my ChapStick, I look at the white plastic lid with disdain.  I wish you were more valuable, I secretly think to myself.  Well never fear, fashionable lip balm addicts, Jack Spade has come to the rescue.  (I think it can also be engraved, in case you were wondering.)

In conclusion: I know that stocks have plummeted and many of my faithful readers are finding themselves in dire financial situations.  However, you will now be able to rest easily knowing that your gift-hunting days are over now that you can purchase these economical and PRACTICAL options for everyone you know.   Happy shopping.

P.S.  I have posted my review of the Iron & Wine concert, complete with photos, HERE.  yay!

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