Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I was thinking about something yesterday.  How many people in the world actually love what they do every day?  When someone asks me if I like medical school, I usually respond with a yes, but when it's time to break out the books and study, I'd rather be doing anything else.  No secret: I hate studying.  It's not that I hate learning the information; on the contrary, I really enjoy learning.  On the rare occasion that I do feel prepared for a test and I do well, it's a great feeling.  And I think when we get into the hospital and start actually applying the information, I'll like it a lot more.  

But it never fails: when I sit down with my PowerPoint slides, I start thinking of all the things I'd rather be doing.  For example - it would be really fun to be a host on The Today Show.  I'd probably have to wake up early, but who cares when you get to wear expensive shoes and coats and travel to fun places and interview politicians and celebrities?  Do they love what they do every morning?  Are they more excited than I am to get out of bed?  (I sincerely hope so.)  Or what if I was a movie reviewer?  Do they get tired of going to see movies day in and day out?  What about people with (slightly more boring) desk jobs?  I'd be curious to see a national poll of how many people actually love what they do all day long.  Because right now, it's not so much fun for me.  But hopefully it will get better...

EMERGENCY NEWS FLASH: if you eat a dozen raw egg whites a day for several years, you WILL develop a condition known as avidin-associated biotin malabsorption.  It is a scary disease.  Symptoms are alopecia, scaly dermatitis, and a waxy, grayish pallor.  Dr. Lane is currently entertaining us with an anecdote of a "wild Irishman who lived on the south side of Boston" who apparently drank 12-15 beers a night during the times when they cracked a raw egg into the glass before they served you a beer.  He contracted this disease.  And you, my friend, could be next.

How often is too often to wear my purple shoes?  Lately they seem to match everything I own and I'm worried that people are going to think of me as "that girl who wears purple shoes."  Which wouldn't be so bad, actually.  There are definitely worse nicknames I could think of...


Unknown said...

As for purple shoes... being defined by a characteristic through a nickname isn't always bad. Better than being the one who blends in and no one notices, that's for sure!

I know what you mean about studying though... bah. It's awful. I switched majors because I realized I'd hate my job/life if all I did was program and deal with 1s and 0s forever. I enjoy what I'm doing now more, but I'd still rather be doing 1000 other things. Let's just hope that our experience with education on a subject is supremely different from actually performing those duties in the real world. Because if it isn't... then damn. I don't want life to suck! Hah :)

Kacie said...

Why wasnt I in biochem? I love rare diseases!